City Council meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month at 6:00pm at the Maxwell City Hall
MAYOR - 2 yr. term expires 12/31/25
Dale Higgins
518 Broad St
Maxwell, IA 50161
Email: mayorofmaxwell@maxwell.iowa.gov
Joel Westendorf - 2 yr. term expires 12/31/25
301 Webb Ct
Maxwell, IA 50161
Email: joel.westendorf@maxwell.iowa.gov
Committees: Public Safety (Chair), City Government
Ken Jans 4 yr. term expires 12/31/25
65765 325th St
Maxwell, IA 50161
Email: ken.jans@maxwell.iowa.gov
Public use - email
Committees: Public Facilities (Chair), Public Safety
Sue Philpott - 4 yr. term expires 12/31/27
614 6th St
Maxwell, IA 59161
(515) 387-3250 (home)
Email: sue.philpott@maxwell.iowa.gov
Committees: City Government (Chair), Public Facilities​
Doug Miller (4 yr term expires 12/31/27)
610 Rock Creek Dr
Maxwell, IA 50161-0245
(515) 387-9632 (home)
Email: doug.miller@maxwell.iowa.gov
Committees: Community Betterment (chair), City Enterprise
Steve Gast (4 yr term expires 12/31/27)
417 Maxwell St
Maxwell, IA 50161
(515) 387-1241 (home)
Email: steve.gast@maxwell.iowa.gov
Committees: City Enterprise (Chair), Community Betterment